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Art Party Video
This video is one of the activities planned for the Wolverhampton Society of Artists Centenary year. It will be filmed on June 9th 2019.
Art Work in the Making
The concept of a piece of video art grew out of finding ways to involve everyone in the Society in one art event; a truly unique event in the history of the Society. It is a coming together of the whole Society involving everyone from the youngest to those in the twilight years of their art activities. It draws a timeline from those connected with the Society’s past to those who are its future. The art party video marks a specific moment in time where all the timelines of the Society meet and merge in one place. A century of time past joins time present and looks to time future. It demonstrates that the Society is very far from being one dimensional.
Why the Art Party Video?
The purpose of this artwork is to reveal who we are and what we do. It is more than simply the sum of the individual works of art that form the body of the video. It shows the eclectic nature of our Society. It reveals the Wolverhampton Society of Artists as a collective group and a collection of individuals. It is the Society as it was on June 9th 2019, it marks an arrival from a journey of one hundred years and a departure point for the future.

The aim of art is not to represent the outward appearances of things, but their inward significance.